Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 10_Paper_Human Sexuality

Week 10_Paper_Human Sexuality

Q No matter what your views are on genetically modifying embryos, research the current arguments for and against genetically modifying embryos and the current technology used. Through your research and course material, use critical thinking to complete the following: 1. Provide a brief introduction to the paper (less than a half a page). This section should introduce your 3 main points – what is your individual influence, your influence on communities, and influence on U.S/societal levels. (2.5 points; part of “organization/formatting”) 2. Discuss and critically analyze 1 way genetically modifying human embryos could influence (positively ornegatively) individuals. (10 points) 3. Discuss and critically analyze 1 way genetically modifying human embryos could influence (positively ornegatively) a community. (10 points) 4. Discuss 1 way genetically modifying human embryos could influence (positively or negatively) society. (10 points) 5. Provide a conclusion on the above 3 points. (2.5 points; part of “organization/formatting”)

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There have been current discovery from the scientists where there can be perfecting the genes of unborn babies that will be considered morally permissible in the coming future. The current law has allowed the scientists to genetically edit the human embryos for 14 days that might have been destroyed and it is considered illegal to implant them into the womb. Although the gene changing procedures are permissible and is termed as designer babies that can be brought up with the technological development. A designer baby is termed as a baby who is created with the help of genetic screening or genetic modification processes. It includes the transformation of the genes to create opportunities for genetic makeup.